Risk is present in every strategy that is implemented. Sometimes the strategy applied yields the right results and sometimes it becomes unexpected expensive school fees. If your business has been affected by the lock down or from poor decision making, we can walk the walk of recovery with you. 1. We will catch up on outstanding accounting records to be captured and processed into financial statements. 2. Capture monthly management accounts. 3. Catch up outstanding payroll or vat or income tax returns, and negotiate payment plans with SARS. 4. Populate a budget and monthly cash flow projections. 5. Involve our financial planner to assist with managing risk and putting a savings plan in place while paying off debt. 6. Update Central Supplier Database where necessary. 7. Update COIDA where necessary. 8. Update CIPC where necessary. 9. Update UIF where necessary. The fees are applicable for 18 months, after that, the normal fees will apply.